Tuesday - March 28, 2006



Border agents let in makings of "dirty bomb"
Seattle Times, United States - 3-28-06
Undercover investigators slipped radioactive material — enough to make two small "dirty bombs" — across ...

US attack enrages Shiite leaders
Denver Post, CO - 3-28-06

Frayed relations between Iraq's Shiite leadership and the American authorities came under increased ...

Russia denies gave Saddam information on US troops
Pravda, Russia - 3-28-06
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov on Tuesday called reports that Moscow had provided information to Saddam Hussein's regime on US troop movements ...


Bush is living proof of a need for a president to make good grades in college.



"Well the president was everywhere this week, wasn't he? He doesn't give a press conference for three years and now we can't get him to shut-up. And, of course, he was blaming the troubles in Iraq on the media, saying 'they're not reporting the good news.' Maybe that's true. For example, today in Baghdad, it was widely reported that gunmen killed four workers in a bakery. But no one mentioned that their banana bread is delicious, to die for." --Bill Maher






The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News



Rapture is not an exit strategy. -- Zing!



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Disturbing News




2006 Bumper Stickers



The bumper sticker I'd like for my car would say:

Richard Nixon is no longer the worst president this country ever had.

Never thought I'd say it, but I miss that crook.

Terry B



Our jobs are all overseas
All we produce in the US are rich executives



How about "Drunken frat boy drives country into ditch. News at eleven." - Linda




QueSStion Authority, and a smileyface with adolph schickelgruber's
came to mind during the overdone RW Regan funerary 'necrothon'

visualize inaugu-carceration in '08 (head of state immunity to
head-on-a- platter)



Why do we kill people
who kill people
to show that killing people is wrong? --
This is a bumpersticker of an anti-death-penalty group, but I cannot remember which one (an anti-death-penalty attorney friend has it on her car) - several organizations (e.g., NOW) sell it on their websites.- T Quigly



Gigantic Oil Profiteering - Drew





Lisa my car currently sports a bumper sticker that reads. "Would somebody please give Bush a bl*w j*b so we can impeach him" I've been flipped off a few times, but I've also gotten a few thumbs up and one guy followed me for miles to find out where I got the sticker!

Canton, Ohio




The "liberal media" doesn't mention all the places where Whittington wasn't shot. - Doug





Go lemmings go. - John T.


Every voter in every state, now has a decision to make...
Either you vote for America, or you vote GOP - Robert










Thanks you for all your wonderful ideas!


Meanwhile, Back to Katrina ...


The government has slowed down in deciding whether to approve or deny hundreds of applications for federal loans to help small businesses recover from Hurricane Katrina, a senator said Monday.

Earlier this year, the government was resolving 355 cases daily; that figure has dropped to 99 cases daily.


Republican Shenanigans



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"The president's mother, Barbara Bush, donated tax deductible money to the Katrina Relief. ... Now we find out the specific instructions -- that the money be spent for educational software owned by her son, Neil. Because who can forget those tragic images of the poor black people on the rooftops in New Orleans holding up signs that said, 'Send educational software.'" --Bill Maher



Conservative Catholic Capo


Emerging from mass in Boston on Sunday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia made an "obscene gesture" in responding to a question from a reporter, according to Monday's Boston Herald.

Rock-The-Voter News



"Speaking of guarding our ports, the Bush administration today ordered a no-bid contract to a Chinese country to scan for incoming nukes in our cargo. The contract was awarded at a formal ceremony in front of a back drop that said, 'Still not getting it.'" --Bill Maher


Good News



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Geri's inland Seas



Yahoo BooBoo?


Biz-Tech News


Scraping the Bottom of the GOP Barrel, Again


It was just a joke, Kathleen McFarland said yesterday after the New York Post reported her saying that Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom McFarland wants to challenge for Senate, was spying on her.

"Hillary Clinton is worried about me, and is so worried, in fact,
she had helicopters flying over my house in Southampton today taking pictures," McFarland said, the Post reported in yesterday's editions.





Bush-Prison-Torture News

ThoughtCrimes.org - Liberalism as a badge of honor

Bad U.S. Manners


London's rambunctious mayor, already fighting suspension for comparing a Jewish journalist to a concentration camp guard, landed in fresh hot water on Tuesday for likening the U.S. ambassador to a "chiseling little crook."

Mayor Ken Livingstone has been quarrelling with the U.S. embassy since last year, when it announced it would not pay the "congestion charge" fee imposed on cars entering the city center.



It's Time For - NAME THAT TOON!



What is Bush saying or what are the policemen behind Bush thinking?

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Odd News





Smoke rise from the existing big crater, background, and a newly-created small one in a glen, foreground, on Mount Meakandake in Hokkaido, Japan, Wednesday, March 22, 2006. The volcano, about 890 kilometers (555 miles) northwest of Tokyo, erupted Tuesday morning, spewing a small amount of ash into the air. (Photo/Takuro Yabe)

