All Hat No Cattle
                       I am always disappointed when liar's pants don't catch fire.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn: Republicans Have 'Led The Fight For Women's Equality'
“I find this war on women rhetoric almost silly,” Blackburn said Sunday, when asked on CBS' "Face the Nation" if Republicans were
against equal pay for women. “It is Republicans that have led the fight for women's equality. Go back through history ...


A super-PAC urging Hillary Clinton to run for president says it raised $1.7 million in the first three months of the year. Said
President Obama, “I’ll kick in another million if she’s willing to start early.”
- Seth Myers


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam


'Double dealing': How Pakistan hid Osama Bin Laden from the U.S. and fueled the war in

What if the United States has been waging the wrong war against the wrong enemy for the last 13 years in Afghanistan?

"This is like a big Kabuki where we all, like, act: 'I don't know what's going to happen in the Ukraine.' And we gnash our teeth over it.
And it's pretty clear that Putin is going to destabilize it. He's going to come in and say, 'It's chaos. I'm moving in.' We're not going to
do anything." -
Rob Lowe

GOP Mutiny Could Unseat Boehner
and McConnell as Party Leaders

It increasingly looks as if the Republicans will
regain control of Congress this fall, with the
GOP narrowly winning back a majority in the
Senate and the House GOP either retaining
or slightly building on its majority. But will the
two top Republican leaders – House
Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell -- be around to
enjoy the spoils of victory?

Republican Shenanigans


Breaking: Republicans Not Only Hate Women But Men Too!

Cities in Oklahoma are prohibited from establishing mandatory minimum wage or vacation and sick-day requirements under a bill that
has been signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin.


"This argument against equal pay seems to rest on this idea - some would say it's a conservative fantasy - that we don't need laws
because the goodness of the American people will always take the fore."
- Bill Maher

Yes, Michele
did say
Fort Wood instead of
Fort Hood.
GOP seeks army of female
volunteers to counter
Democratic attacks

In the Obama era, Democrats usually have
had two major advantages: women and
volunteers.  This year, Republicans are
trying to change that, seeking to amass an
army of young volunteer women who can
carry the GOP message and counter the
“war on women” rhetoric that has been so
effective for Democrats.

A woman in Las Vegas was arrested after she threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton while Hillary was giving a speech. The woman was
tackled, cuffed, and thrown into a police car. Then the cops said, “Normally, WE do that, Hillary, but thank you for the help.”
- Jimmy


After handling the bumpy rollout of the Obamacare site, Kathleen Sebelius announced today that she is resigning. Which explains
why being thrown under a bus is now covered by Obamacare
.- Jimmy Fallon


New reports show that the price of Whole Foods stock has gone up twelve-fold since 2008. The stock is valued at $50.32 a share, or
about one cantaloupe from Whole Foods.-
Seth Myers


What? Halliburton Didn't Get This Iraq Contract?

Iraq's cabinet approved Tuesday an $588.8 million oilfield service contract with South Korea's Daewoo Engineering & Construction
(047040.KS) for the development of the Zubair oil field, the cabinet said in a statement.
Rock The Voter News

Ohio’s Department of Natural
Resources Links Earthquakes to

No single new energy source is more responsible
for altering America’s energy landscape than
natural gas produced by hydraulic fracturing of
underground rock formations. “Fracking” has
produced opposing camps of industry advocates
versus environmentalists concerned that the
technique uses chemicals harmful to the
environment and can lead to increased seismic

"Big news out of the White House. According to a new rule, Secret Service agents can no longer drink alcohol 12 hours before
reporting to duty. The rule came at the request of President Barack O-buzzkill."
–Conan O'Brien


Is Barack Obama ‘black’? A majority of Americans say no.

But according to data in a fascinating new Pew Research Center study, a majority of Americans describe the
president as "mixed race," while just more than a quarter (27 percent) call him "black."
Biz-Tech News


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Time To Deflate Photo
Ethiopians extract water from thin air using these towers.
