TGIF/Weekend edition - March 2-4, 2007



Comics Sherpa featuring The Radical Fringe



Bush Orders Review of Veterans' Hospitals
San Francisco Chronicle - 3-2-07
President Bush ordered a comprehensive review Friday of conditions at the nation's military and veteran hospitals in the wake of a scandal surrounding care for wounded troops at Walter Reed Army Medical ...

Bush confronted by angry Katrina victims
Concord Monitor, NH - 3-2-07
By Michael A. Fletcher. n his first visit to the Gulf Coast in six months, President Bush said yesterday that he heard "loud and clear" the growing ...

China labels US 'nosy neighbour'
BBC News, UK - 3-2-07
China has hit back at the US over calls for greater transparency in Beijing's military spending. It comes a week after US Vice-President Dick Cheney said ...


The Blunderous Adventures of W -- seen on a TV 24/7 near you.



 "A new poll finds that President Bush's father, George Bush, is the most popular living ex-president. Isn't that nice? Yeah. Apparently, voters were just excited to hear the words 'George Bush' next to the phrase 'ex-president.'" - Conan O'Brien




The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News


Today's Bush Blunder #1

National Guard Unready to Guard Nation or Wherever Bush Sends Them


Nearly 90 percent of Army National Guard units in the United States are rated "not ready" -- largely as a result of shortfalls in billions of dollars' worth of equipment -- jeopardizing their capability to respond to crises at home and abroad, according to a congressional commission that released a preliminary report yesterday on the state of U.S. military reserve forces.




Cheney Blunders Too!


On a flight on Air Force Two from Afghanistan to Oman [Wednesday], Cheney gave reporters on his plane an interview, but insisted that they identify him as a "senior administration official." The reporters felt they had no choice but to go along. Up to then, they had gotten only about 20 minutes' access to Cheney on the very expensive nine-day trip and wanted something from him directly. (To be fair, he talked at length on the record to a TV network during the jaunt, but basically stiffed the rest of his media entourage.)


"Vice President Dick Cheney safely back in Washington after an attempt was made on his life in Afghanistan. Although, the Taliban denies they were trying to kill the Vice President. They now claim it was just a hunting accident." - Jay Leno


Disturbing News



"The President should be impeached and the Vice-President executed." - IMUS on MSNBC 3-2-07



"Brownie" appointed to take over reins at Walter Reed - Grant "Brad" Gerver,



Today's Bush Blunder #2

Bush's Bad Intel


New doubts are arising about the accuracy of U.S. intelligence on the nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran, only a few years after faulty warnings about weapons of mass destruction helped President Bush justify the invasion of Iraq.


Republican Shenanigans



Dick Cheney's Friend


A court in Turkey has frozen the assets of Yasin al-Qadi a one-time acquaintance of Vice President Dick Cheney and reported “chief money launderer” of Osama bin Laden.

Al-Qadi, prior to being publicly identified as a key al-Qaeda financer, owned a prominent U.S. technology firm and reported CIA front known as Ptech. He also escorted U.S. officials around during their visits to Saudi Arabia.





"James Cameron, film director, claims he has discovered the tomb of Christ. I just hope this doesn't lead to a court battle in Florida. ... Who would have guessed they found Jesus before bin Laden?" --David Letterman


Rock-The-Voter News



Another Bush Blunder #3


Mention the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad to Lawrence Eagleburger and he explodes.

"I defy anyone to tell me how you can use that many people. It is nuts . . . it's insane and it's counterproductive . . . and it won't work," says the Republican former secretary of state and member of the Iraq Study Group. "I've been around the State Department long enough to know you can't run an outfit like that."

"Maintaining an oversized mega-embassy in Baghdad is draining personnel and resources away from every other U.S. embassy around the world, and all for what?" said a senior State Department official,



Biz-Tech News




Subject: Interesting juxtaposition...



I haven't written in some time but I saw this juxtaposition of two
articles and had to point them out for their absurdity. Figured you'd
appreciate it.

Personal incomes, consumer spending rise

Poverty gap in US has widened under Bush

Best wishes,


Blogged it here - In the eternal tug of war that is our nation's great struggle, a Manifest destiny toward Kleptocracy, it appears the ruling class is confidently dragging the unwashed masses toward defeat.

Thanks for writing.


It seems all is going as Bush planned, eh? I also read an article that a quarter of the homeless in our country are disabled. And let's not forget the Katrina victims, and the anthrax victims...and on and on.


I wish America would wake up from it's long drunk with the GOP.



"Some politicians in Florida are trying to ban the use of the term 'illegal alien' because they think it is offensive. The Florida officials say, 'We prefer the term good swimmer.'" --Conan O'Brien


Bush Misses 34 Deadlines

Today's Bush Blunder #4-38


The government has missed all 34 deadlines set by Congress for requiring energy efficiency standards on everything from home appliances to power transformers, government auditors said Thursday.


Bush-Prison-Torture News




"Trips like these are fraught with peril. A suicide bomber attempted to attack Cheney during his stay in Afghanistan. ... To the suicide bombers and the Taliban: stop trying to kill our people. Seriously -- even the ones we don't like." --Jon Stewart







Go-F***-Yourself News


Bush Didn't Blunder This -  His Minion Did


A U.S. Marshals Service official misspent $4.3 million meant for courthouse security and witness protection to pay for fitness centers and firing ranges at federal buildings, a Justice Department investigation found.


"Prince Charles says he wants to ban McDonald's. He said banning McDonald's is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. Really? Why did he single out McDonald's? I think banning Dominos would make more sense. They deliver the junk food to your house. At least with McDonalds you have to get off your fat ass and walk to your car." ---Jay Leno



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Please make your check out to Lisa Casey.

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Odd News




I would love this job and so would AHNC viewer, Alice from California, who sent me this wonderful photograph. Photo/China Foto Press



I wish you all a peaceful weekend.